Gliders need a unique diet to keep healthy and happy.
You may have heard of the BML sugar glider diet and are wondering whether it is the ideal method to feed your pet.
If you take the time to learn about BML, you will discover that it is not as frightening as it appears.
To assist you, I have created this basic tutorial, so read on and you will be able to master it in no time.
Let’s start,
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What is a BML Sugar Glider Diet?
Bourbon’s Modified Leaderbeaters Diet (BML) is a nutritionally complete diet plan designed for exotic gliders.
Created by Bourbon Hackworth in 1998, BML aims to mimic the required nutrition for these exotic animals.
The diet has been modified over the years to include ingredients from Australia and America, removing items like eggshells and oranges and adding blueberries.
BML is popular due to its simplicity and lack of special equipment required for glider parents. It is considered the best sugar glider food by many glider parents and experts.
Advantages of the BML Diet
Before we dive into the composition of BML sugar glider diet lets see few benefits of it.
◾Complete and Balanced Nutrition: The BML diet offers a meticulously formulated blend of ingredients, ensuring sugar gliders receive all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health.
◾Convenient Meal Prep: The BML mix can be prepared in batches and frozen in portions for later use. This saves time and ensures consistent nutrition.
◾Dietary Enrichment: The combination of BML mix, fruits, vegetables, and insects provides a diverse and stimulating diet, mimicking their natural foraging behavior and preventing boredom.
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Composition Of BML Sugar Glider Diet
The BML diet is a two-part system, designed to mimic the sugar glider’s natural foraging behavior:
BML Basic Mix:
This serves as the nutritional foundation, offering a concentrated blend of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
It’s typically a liquid or paste-like concoction made with ingredients like:
- Honey: Provides readily available energy. Opt for store-bought, processed honey to avoid potential bacterial contamination.
- Chicken Baby Food: A source of protein and essential fats. Choose a stage 1 or 2 variety, ensuring it’s plain chicken with broth or gravy, not a flavored option.
- Hard-Boiled Egg: Contributes protein and essential vitamins. Only the cooked egg yolk is used.
- Yogurt and Juice Blend: Offers a combination of beneficial bacteria, additional protein, and hydration. Opt for unsweetened varieties and flavors like banana or mixed fruit.
- Wheat Germ: A rich source of vitamin E and healthy fats.
- Dry Baby Cereal: Provides carbohydrates and additional texture. Unsweetened, single-grain cereals like oatmeal or rice are preferred.
- Calcium Supplement (without phosphorus and with Vitamin D3): Crucial for strong bones and development.
- Vitamin Supplement: Ensures a complete spectrum of essential vitamins.
2- Fruits and Vegetables:
These fresh or frozen offerings provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, mimicking the natural plant matter sugar gliders consume in the wild.
Here’s what to keep in mind:
- Selection: Choose from a pre-approved list to maintain a proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Common options include apples, grapes, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew), corn, peas, and green beans.
- Preparation: Wash thoroughly and cut into bite-sized pieces for easy consumption.
7 Things To Consider About BML Sugar Glider Diet
It’s as simple as making your gliders a smoothie! What’s the BML sugar glider diet recipe?
Here is a simple overview.
◾Use your food processor to blend in your usual apple juice, additional honey, and egg.
◾Add your mammalian vitamins, then the chicken baby food and porridge.
◾Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.
◾Pour until the ice cube trays are half-filled.
After you have prepared it, here are a few instructions you have to follow.
- Quantity: As a general guideline, offer 1 tablespoon each of BML mix, fruits, and vegetables per sugar glider daily. Adjust slightly based on your glider’s age, activity level, and overall health.
- Frequency: Sugar gliders are nocturnal foragers. Ideally, provide the BML mix and fresh produce in the evening, allowing them to consume it throughout the night. Leftovers should be discarded after a night to prevent spoilage.
- Insect Variety: Supplement the BML diet with insects like mealworms or crickets a few times a week as a morning snack. This provides protein variation and mimics their natural diet.
- Thawing and Serving: The BML mix should be thawed completely before feeding. Serve it in a clean dish alongside the fruits and vegetables.
- Preparation Time: The BML diet requires some preparation and planning compared to commercially available complete diets.
- Individual Needs: While the BML diet is widely used, it may not be suitable for all sugar gliders. Some individuals may develop digestive issues due to the high sugar content or other ingredients.
- Veterinary Consultation: Always consult with a veterinarian experienced in exotic pets before switching your sugar glider’s diet, especially if they have any underlying health conditions.
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Alternative Dietary Options
For sugar glider owners seeking convenience, several alternatives exist:
◾Sugar Glider Pellets:
These commercially available complete diets offer a balanced and convenient option. Choose reputable brands that formulate pellets specifically for sugar gliders.
◾Commercially Prepared Frozen Diets:
Commercially prepared frozen diets provide a well-balanced combination of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and other vital components.
They offer a convenient and mess-free solution but may not provide the same level of enrichment as the BML diet with its variety of textures and foraging opportunities.
Remember: Regardless of the diet you choose, it’s crucial to ensure it meets your sugar glider’s specific needs and is offered alongside fresh fruits and vegetables.
What is the diet ratio of fruits and vegetables for a sugar glider?
It is critical that you maintain a ratio of 40% fruits and vegetables to 60% protein-based diets. If you give your glider too many fruits, it will load up on them and not consume the required protein-based meals.
Use vitamin supplements as needed, but do not overdo it. Too much vitamins might be as bad as not enough. Begin by giving around 3-4 teaspoons of food every night per glider. If they eat it all the first night, add a little extra the next night until they only leave a small portion.
What do sugar gliders mainly eat?
In the wild, sugar gliders eat tree sap, nectar, and insects. In captivity, they require a diversified diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as protein from various sources (mainly insects). Fresh water should be provided at all times.
How Much BML Diet Per Sugar Glider?
Because they weigh roughly 3-5 ounces and require 15-20% of their body weight in food, they consume 1/4 to 1/2 size ice cube trays, measuring between 1-2 teaspoons.
Can I overfeed my sugar glider?
Yes, it is feasible and common to mistakenly overfeed your glider.
But, Overfeeding your Sugar Glider can lead to health issues such as obesity and bone thinning. To avoid this, create a strict meal plan with appropriate food types and maintain a consistent feeding schedule.
Can I use frozen mixed veggies in the sugar glider BML diet?
Yes, frozen veggies may be used in the BML Sugar Glider Diet. You may also feed frozen fruit. However, fresh fruit and vegetables are the greatest choice. But frozen vegetables are ideal if you are short on time.
The BML diet is a well-established approach to sugar glider nutrition, offering a complete and balanced meal plan that mimics their natural dietary habits.
By understanding its composition, feeding protocols, benefits, and considerations, you can make informed decisions about your sugar glider’s well-being.
Remember, consulting with a veterinarian experienced in exotic pets is vital to ensure your sugar glider thrives on the most suitable diet for their individual needs.
Take care of your sweet glider.
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